It was a great day for a drive. Not too hot or humid. The temperature barely reached 80, if I recall. And Yes, this is New Jersey. It's quite a nice state once you go to the western half.
Even with the rising temperatures, we spent a lot of time ducking in and out of the shade.
At one point, this dump truck decided to join our convoy. Can I get an Amen for Stone Guards?
You put your left wheel in, you back your left wheel out, you put your left wheel in, and you spin it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn your car around.
That's what it's all about.
At this point, we passed the home of Tom and Rose Mosteller wannabes
Gap, HO!
Closer now. At one point, Rachel asked what the Delaware Water Gap actually was (a break in the mountains to allow the Delaware River to pass through). Her response? "Oh, you mean Mountain Cleavage!"
Almost there!
Once we got onto Route 80, we had a chance to open 'em up. We were widely spaced here....
We're there, dude.
Ironically, this was the most we ever saw of the Delaware River. It was mostly obscured by trees along the riverbank.
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