One Lap of Connecticut


It was a good day for a drive. Temperatures came close to 80, but never quite made it.


Most of the roads were tree-lined or populated. However, we would get the occasional wide open space.



Even though I don't really like the song, I can't help but think "Little pink houses for you and me." This one stuck out like a sore thumb, but not in a bad way. It was definitely unique.


There is no Boston Green Conspiracy!! Rather strange, though was the overwhelming number of green Z3s on this cruise. Out of 21 cars, 8 were some variation on Green, be they Boston, Oxford, or simply Dark Green.


We were on some nice winding, rolling roads for a while, but as Dan had promised, lunch was not too far away. Fortunately, while the restaurant was not large, there was plenty of parking for us!


This place had it all...good food, plenty of parking, and a (kidding?) of goats. In fact, these were randy goats, and if you stayed quiet, and listened closely enough, you could hear then speak through all the bleating. Click on the pic to hear just how rude they can be...


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